Originally Posted by kaywoodie
der, die, das; den, die, das; dem, der, dem"

Der, die, das, die, dem, die das die dem der dem den. I think! LOL

Holy shades of High School german class! Over 40 years!

Ja, Ich auch!

I was stationed in Germany (West Berlin) for some 2 1/2 years but rarely got to speak the language, almost all Germans spoke English better than I spoke German. I'd get into a cab and ask "bitte, fahren Sie, uh, rechts, uh, um die, uh, Ecke und dann, er, gerade aus..." and the driver would turn around and say very clearly, "you want to go right around the corner and then straight ahead, yes?" They'd rather communicate to me in their good English than listen to me butcher their language. wink

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!