Originally Posted by 444Matt
In my experience taking game animals is a lot more about confidence in your equipment than folks talk about. For me that starts at the range, A rifle that consistently shoots where I aim it is the foundation. This is sorted out by shooting lots of groups. 1 MOA is my preference for bolt actions and 1.5 for levers. After consistent groups are established I shoot from field positions, this is where your money is made. Time spent shooting from real world conditions is what builds the confidence that when it's time to pull the trigger in the field you will hit your mark.

You pretty much phuqqin nailed it. Replace "group size" with "caliber" and it's the same deal. If a fella doesn't "feel" like a 270 is going to do what he wants, out comes the 300WM or whatever.

Same schit, different day. Put water on the 'fire, because that's every damn thread here.

The only people I know that believe more voodoo than rifle hunters are bass fisherman. Holy crap.....