Anyone on the receiving end of your reaction should surely understand your anger. Sounds like they got the message or you would have likely reinforced it.
If you don't want to call the Sheriff for fear of startign a feud maybe record it all in a video and send your neighbor a copy as a reminder to be safe and that you have maintained at least a record. Save the email and the video.

Once I was just observing from the hilltop view of my sisters trailer she uses as an office while Dad hunted from the lower pasture about 20' below and maybe three hundred yards away. I heard Dad shoot then heard and felt a hard thunk. After passing through the deer the bullet hit a rock and ricocheted up the hill, into the under pinning of the trailer and lodging in a pier directly below where I was standing. It will get your attention. He freaked when I showed him the hole. I was quick to tell him he could not have expected this but that from now on we eliminate all shots in this direction. Since then I tend to use my 44 mag model 92 (lever) out there as it is not far from town and her place is small. Figure a slower heavy round is a safer option.

When a country is well governed, poverty and a mean condition are something to be ashamed of. When a country is ill governed, riches and honors are something to be ashamed of
. Confucius