Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by Cast
Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by hanco
In Texas you can't have stand closer than 50 yd so from fence. Against law for bullet to cross fence line.

I'd love to see more about this law...

What's to know? There it is. BANG

In Texas we take our guns/hunting/property rights seriously. You gotta have ten acres to gun hunt, bow hunting on less is fine. Your bullet or your arrow crosses a property line or a road, you're toast.

Shoot your deer legally and it runs to your neighbor's property to die, you can't go and recover it without permission. Do so and you're toast.

Texans are friendly and respectful and expect the same in return.

If you need more info, visit Texas Parks and Wildlife site as I am not a Texas Game Warden, just a Texan.

As far as this incident, the OP should have immediately called the GW. He should be in your contact list, and you should know him on sight. Not sure about AR, but in Texas a GW is a state lawman just like a state trooper. The neighbor needs to be treated harshly to learn of the severity of the crime.

From what I can gather from P&W, I can't really do anything unless I can prove that a projectile has crossed by property line.

The minimum acreage to hunt depends on county ordinances, not state law. The state doesn't regulate how many acres you can hunt on, nor how close to the property line a blind or feeder can be.

These are the same A-holes that would get drunk at night and start target shooting pistols on their 5 acres, and we can hear the bullets striking the trees around our headquarters here...

There's just no cure for being white trash.

Oh, there's cure alright....

Originally Posted by Mannlicher
America needs to understand that our troops are not 'disposable'. Each represents a family; Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Daughters, Cousins, Uncles, Aunts... Our Citizens are our most valuable treasure; we waste far too many.