I have worked with A-2, 440C, 154CM, CPM154, S30V and 52100.
All heat treated in the 59-61 Rc range.
I personally see damned little difference in the difficulty to sharpen any of these and little difference in the edge retention either.
I don't see a lot of difference on the belt sander when doing the profiles and bevels either. Whether mill temper or heat treated.
Some are a little 'chippier' when cutting on band saw or drilling holes.

My experience and opinion is that you need a lab equipment environment to really see the performance differences
(with the geometry, heat treat and sharpening being equal) among the many good steels that I have worked with.

I keep my stones wet.
I use water with a drop of dish soap in it.
I keep the stones clean between blades using a toothbrush and the soapy water.
I change stones when they get worn much past flat.
I buy my stones from Edge Pro for quality reasons.

I like the Edge Pro for the ability to change stones quickly and the feel I have when holding the knife. I do not like the need to protect the blade with tape during sharpening, but the scotch brite belt will clean up the scratch nicely if I do mark up the blade.
I still use bench stones free hand occasionally and a Work Sharp for kitchen and fillet knives.

But that is just me and probably tooooo much info.


"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."
Albert Einstein

At Khe Sanh a sign read "For those who fight for it, life has a flavor the protected never knew".