Whether they had to or whatever, I found the procedural part of the aftermath surreal.

Bangbangbangbang... man lying on ground with multiple through and through wounds to the upper torso. "Jerry, stay down. You're under arrest". I think he was complying by that time.

A few seconds later as they approach, "Jerry, drop the knife, we're trying to help you." Okay, that one is rich with possibilities.

I'm sure they followed proper procedure, officer safety and all that and no one who wasn't actually there can really find fault in doing so, but the juxtaposition of proper procedure with a man bleeding to death on the ground - be it his fault, the cops' fault or the fault of his abusive father when Jerry was a kid - seems very Kafkaesque.

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!