These kinds of issues tend to be relative in nature - a big setback to one person or family may amount to a bump in the road to another.

We are grateful to have been blessed with success in our work and to have been able to keep a home and eat while raising four kids into good people. Our hearts go out to others who have known financial hard times, and especially those with families. I admire those who dig in and come back on top after drastic losses.

That said, when we married as college kids we were about broke - did not have enough $$ for a bank account, both worked part-time jobs and didn't think we could afford to buy a pizza on Saturday evening. And, our first child arrived 11 months later. A start like that will help make one financially conservative and investment conscious. Each small improvement over those days has been a blessing. Having been so fortunate, we do try to give other good folks a leg up when they experience bad setbacks. The least we can do.

NRA Member - Life, Benefactor, Patron