Originally Posted by Formidilosus
Originally Posted by RickyD
Simply amazing how so many elite troops who could use anything they choose use eotechs. If only they knew..................

Please tell us what "elite troops" that could use "anything they choose", choose to use EOTechs? You must have experience?

On the Navy side DEVGRP/ST-6.

On the Army side Delta/ACE/CAG.

I have trained with Mike Pannone (CSAT), John McPhee (SOB), and Scott Steiret (Northern Red) and all have SMU backgrounds and all prefer the EOTech.

Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by FormidilGRPould use anything they choose use eotechs. If only they knew..................

Please tell us what "elite troops" that could use "anything they choose", choose to use EOTechs? You must have experience?

I'd love to read this answer myself.

Back in the day the last thing UBL saw was the back side of an EOTech.

1-6 and 1-8 variables are now very common but EOTech has always trumped Aimpoint in the SMUs.


John Burns

I have all the sources.
They can't stop the signal.