Originally Posted by battue
Bwana 1

Times have changed in Pa. I can't remember the politician's name, but maybe 40+ years ago he came out for gun control. Pa hunters came out strong all across the State and voiced their opposition. Republicans, democrats, union members, it didn't matter their other differences, they were in unison as hunters and shooters. He was defeated in the next election cycle.

Even further back when the GC first started Doe Seasons, the majority were against it. They were wrong on the management of Deer, but history tells of them publically burning the Doe tags they bought. They bought them so others couldn't get them and then burned them. They may have been wrong, but you can't fault their commitment.

Today? I wouldn't count on the same outcome. The majority will go down and then wonder how did that happen. Or not even care all that much that it did. Why should they get involved? Let someone else do it.

I agree, few are willing to commit to their beliefs and take the responsibility for their actions. If they wait long enough someone else will do the dirty work, they just enjoy the ride for free...and if the cards don't fall their way, then they biitch the loudest.

Men used to have balls, integrity used to have value, a man's word and hand shake were all you needed...I'd venture to say influx of video games, destruction of family values, and that little purple bastage Barney are to blame for it all wink