None better eating than fat August caribou! Take moderately heavy to heavy, dense woven game bags, pepper, and/or acetic acid/vinegar for meat care. An extra set of bags is not amiss for change out of bloody, torn, or wet ones. Several light weight/ cheap poly tarps 8x10 are very handy for ground sheets, dressing out, rain collection/protection, etc. You should take a high performance cooking burner of some sort. Even if wood is available it may well be wet, or inconvenient/ slow to use. Water filter of course- not needed if boiling, or catching rain off tent or tarp. Another thing I like to have is a good thermos, not only on the stalk but just to have quick hot water first thing in morn or return to camp especially in bad weather. A little " luxury" goes a long way. Good luck.

The only true cost of having a dog is its death.