Originally Posted by jetjockey
I just looked at the Square Butte Brittanys website. On their trial history page is shows a brit standing with a check chord and the statement "Major standing with a high head and as much style as you will see in a Brittany". IMO, that isn't very good style for a Brittany. Their pedigrees are not that great either IMO.

If you want a really nice brittany with roan, call Upland Dog works in NE and tell them you want a dog with heavy Blaze Dakota Trucker breeding. That will give you the roan your after and Trucker produced damn nice dogs. As a matter of fact, not too long ago Trucker grand get took 1st and 3rd in the ABC Pheasant championship at very young ages. That should tell you what kind of dogs he produced. They will look a lot better standing than the dogs mentioned above as well. If you want something a little closer, contact Sniksoh Brittanys in CO. They produce some really nice dogs as well, but most likely won't have the roan your looking for.

Jet jockey,
You have truly shown your ignorance on the history of the breed and understanding the lineages, the modern American Brittany arose from. This backbreeding, infused with modern lines, like Nolan's Last Bullet, have culminated into superb bird dogs, with unbelievable style. He has bred dogs that placed AKC All Age, on one day, and could be hunted by a presumed novice in yourself, the next, with no problems. A true testament to the thoughtful, careful breeding he has undertaken. If he was still trialing, the ABC Pheasant would be a warmup for an all breed AKC or American Field event. I am sure the kennels you have mentioned are good ones, as there are many out there, but your "drive by" conducted on a question, from someone inquiring about recommendations for Brittanys is rather classless.

Last edited by Turbot; 04/06/17.