Yep, you never know who is behind the wheel and how sleep deprived he is. Hopefully electronic logs will lessen the sleep deprivation issue. But you still don't know who he is and how good his skills are. People in cars do a lot of stupid stuff around trucks too. And I mean a lot of stupid stuff. One of the most dangerous things is they hang out in your blind spot. Even worse is when they do it in the rain with no lights on. You simply can't see them, especially with the road spray. Everyone always wants to blame the truck when an accident happens, but in a lot of cases, the car driver caused it. 4000 lbs. is no match for 80000 lbs. and people aren't aware of it and take trucks and their drivers for granted.

In this case however, the guy's a dipschit for not knowing it.

"Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem."
Ronald Reagan