Originally Posted by tex_n_cal
Originally Posted by jnyork
Originally Posted by hanco
I don't like passing big trucks at all

Same here. If I pass one, I do it right smartly, get around him without delay. I will not run alongside one for any reason, if I have to slow down to avoid it , that's what I'll do.

I don't even like driving beside other cars on the interstate, let alone trucks. Even if the driver is competent, there's less room to maneuver. An animal running across the road, a thrown tire tread, and and it's much harder to avoid the accident, if someone is right next to you. I do not get these clowns who think they should creeepppp past a truck taking two miles to pass him.

The great majority of truckers are professional and safe. The ones that aren't stand out like a sore thumb.

After seeing all those "gators" sitting by the road, I really don't want to be next to a big truck when one of those lets go. Was about to pass a P/U truck, when he blew out the left front tire. It came off and hit my bumper and flew over the cab - lucky. The truck then did a sharp left right in front of me (I braked when the tire blew) and went into the median, did stay upright. When I pass semis I try to go at least 10 or more miles an hour faster to pass quickly.


A person who asks a question is a fool for 5 minutes the person who never asks is a fool forever.

The worst slaves are those that put the chains on themselves.