Originally Posted by jaguartx
Watched Tucker and Hannity a bit, then switched over to watch True Grit.

No John Wayne, no Kim Darby, no Glen Campbell and no fuggin good.

WTF has happened to the fugging US neighborhood?

No wonder youngsters think True Grit is no good.

Hey now. Y'all gotta be thinking I'm a youngster @ 32. The remake was good (for a movie). I saw the remake before making a point of watching the original. Sure enough, like most movies and things we see on the big and small screens, the original was better.

Sometimes remakes are better. I have yet to see the new "Kong: Skull Island" but somehow I think it will be better than all the previous ones. Why? Special effects and (the former crackhead) Samuel L. Jackson, John C. Reilly and John Goodman. You do have to respect the 1933 original. The 'franchise' is nearly 100 years old. But CGI and hi-def and great sound "bring you into the movie" more than good camera angles. I'm not holding up the new King Kong except as an example of an instance where the new version/remake is better than the original IMO. We're talking 1933 acting and special effects vs. CGI and hi-def sound and image.

In a movie like True Grit, one has to ask oneself how CGI, Bridges and Damon made it better than John Wayne in 1969. No real benefit from CGI or better acting - not saying contemporary acting is better. In fact, the "old" (to me) westerns hold a dear place in my heart. The first one I watched and really paid attention to and liked was "High Noon." Netflixing that one soon as I hit SUBMIT. laugh

Originally Posted by Bristoe
It's about like this:

"Do you puff peters?"

"Hell no!"
