Rockinbar: Say what you want about Trump but he won't be appointing any [bleep] judges like those that have been "activists against Trump" since Trump took office!
These misdirected anti-American judges/rulings will get straightened out at the newly TRUMPED Supreme Court of the United States - I firmly believe.
These anti-Trump activist judges and their anti-American rulings should be a glaring an indelible lesson to rino politicians and lazy Republican/conservative voters!
That lesson is get off your asses, donate time and money to your party and/or your chosen conservative politicians.
These anti-American, anti-Trump judges/rulings should also be an ominous warning about future elections and future judicial appointments.
I agree they (the hussein obama appointed anti-American activist judges!) are and will block everything "we" (Trump and his supporters) will try to do - our ONLY salvation will be the Supreme Court of the United States.
And that at times will be "iffy".
We (capitalist, traditional valued Americans!) are in for the fight of our lives in the immediate future - I am afraid.
I don't agree though that we should kill said anti-American judges - we should try to impeach them and elect conservative judges and conservative politicians who appoint conservative judges.
Hold into the wind