Etoh, very true; basically I'm a SXS guy but I always have at least one auto on hand.

The Ben Ultralight for a semi-auto has hit the sweet spot for me and there is a turkey choke for it too BTW which last week I proved worked just fine.

One other important piece of info for any lefties -- the Ben's plunger type safety's are easily reversible which I prefer over buying a left hand-specific gun for resale purposes should I choose to. So I buy a right handed and reverse the safety.

On the Beretta A400 the trigger unit contains the safety had to be sent in to a Beretta service center. It was one glance at it that told me I was not going to attempt it. So, even the trigger-safety unit was quite complex compare to the Ben'; at least this was true of the A400.

Last edited by George_De_Vries_3rd; 04/27/17.