
I just had a "Father-Daughter day" with my middle kiddo and after fishing (we got skunked) and ice cream (that made things better), we went and played on a big set of playground equipment that had a baseball field right next to it.

I took note that some kids on the far side were well in excess 50 yards. In fact, the fence and entrance was probably a good 75 yards from where I stood. I am carrying my G17 today along with a spare 22 round ETS mag (downloaded by 1, to 21). I made the observation that it would not have been too hard to get behind one of the big trees that line the outside of the field, and get inside a nutjob/active shooter's OODA Loop, and keep him occupied dodging 124 grain gifts, until a better course of action could be determined.


The Tikka T3 in .308 Winchester is the Glock 19 of the rifle world.

The website is up and running!
