+1.......... It ain't the B.S.A. I was in circa 1961-65..... Our adult leaders were all fathers of one of the kids in the troop. Just about all WWII vets who loved the outdoors. They even took us on winter camp outs in the dead of winter. Like in a foot and a half of snow. That's where I got my first snowshoe experience. Summer camp was up in the Adirondacks. Got my first bear experience there. Head scoutmaster had been a little too old for WWII but he welded steel for Uncle Sam on defense work during the war. He had done a lot of hunting in the southern tier of western NY state near the PA border back in the mid 1930's till about 1940. We used to prod him for hunting stories around the campfire at night. To this day I sometimes think of him when I'm deer hunting. From what I hear nowadays about B.S.A. I can't believe what the hell it has turned into. It's a damn shame.