JDS44 said it very well. I have been a leader for 22 years. My Troop has never had a leader involved in a molestation case. We have had a few Scouts over 67 years that turned out to be homosexual but they didn't appear that way while in Scouts. They didn't try anything with other boys. If they had, they probably would have gotten the $hit beat out of them. As far as girls coming into Scouts, they are not going to be in the same units as the boys. A charter organization can start a separate troop for girls. It might share the committee with the boys but must have it's own Scoutmaster and Assistants. My Troop serves an urban area and without Boy Scouts many of our members would not be introduced to outdoor recreational activities. Many of the fathers of these boys have white collar jobs and never had experience in the outdoors. In my troop, the leadership has decided to continue to give the best program that we can give. All boys are expected to meet the standards that our Troop has used for the past 67 years.