
The Fail Safe and Nosler Partition Gold were Winchester's idea, not Nosler's. Winchester was making the Fail Safe even before Nosler got partnerd up with them. Remember the ill-fated "Talon," that got dropped because it also came out in a "cop-killer" handgun version? That was the Fail Safe under its original name.

Winchester became convinced that the old Partition could be spiffed up too with the help of one of the Fail-Safe steel caps to the rear lead core. Trouble was, there wasn't anything wrong with the original Partition. (As somebody I know well once said, "You mean they were trying to fill the vast performance gap between the Fail Safe and Partition?"

I tried hard in Africa to make an E-Tip lose a petal or two, but couldn't do it. Nobody has to buy them, but all they did for me was shoot very accurately in two rifles, shoot very flat, open well on light game, and penetrate bone on heavy game very well.

To anyone startled by the price: Probably the reason they are costing a lot is the recent increases in metal prices. Most bullets are going up.

Last I looked, most shooters who pay more for bullets (North Fork, A-Frame, etc.) are convinced "their" bullets are a lot better. But somehow this isn't supposed to apply to Noslers?


“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck