Originally Posted by fgold767
What I spent in 1969 to get my ratings would not get you to the airport in a cab.....so I hope you realize just how much $$$$ you are talking about investing in your dream. I spent 55 years flying and getting paid for a lot of it....but.....you better like hotel living and fast food. When I retired in 2011 I had somewhere around 30,000 hours and was typed in B 722,737,757 and 767 oh add a Citation to that also. I miss the airplane and some of the people but not the company. But most of all I miss the sky....some here will understand that I hope.
With that said, if you have questions, pm me and I will try to help.

We can pay for it. But it's a big chunk of our money. Figure we're young enough to recover with the difference in what I'd be making over the career.
Thank you. PM on the way.

Small Game, Deer, Turkey, Bear, Elk....It's what's for dinner.

If you know how many guns you own... you don't own enough.

In God We Trust.