Is no problem moosie, us ankle biters have to serve a purpose too.
BTW DFC is proving my granpa right "Nobody is usless, they can always serve as a bad example."

I have only talked to CAT on the phone and was unable to accept his invite to shoot some deer on his place awhile back as well as the kind offers from another Texan on this board. He has also talked to someone that knows me so knows what I am about. I think Sir, unlike CAT, you are all hat and no cattle!

No, I can't afford to lose any money (don't have any to lose) But if you verifibly win this bet I can afford to give you the two .17HMR's I have up for sale!!!!!!!!

George Orwell was a Prophet, not a novelist. Read 1984 and then look around you!

Old cat turd!

"Some men just need killing." ~ Clay Allison.

I am too old to fight but I can still pull a trigger. ~ Me