Originally Posted by alwaysoutdoors
Originally Posted by Bwana_1
A friend of mine picked one (a Pro) up thinking he was going to have a good time, driving down the road reached over and found it had junk between it's it's legs, pulled his 357 out and shot it in the head. Pulled the car over on a major highway here, and kicker it out the door onto the berm....pulled away and went home.

He saw it all over the local news next morning, drove down to the police station and turned himself in....think he got 7 years, never heard anything about him again.
That sounds totally believable

Do you ever post or add anything of value, or just harass everyone like a little mini-me Flave ? ... It's a true story that I could post a link from the local newspaper, if I felt like caring enough what you think.

It appears you never have anything happen in your life, or know anybody, maybe you should leave the basement every now and then....go find Shappie he needs a little spoon.