Originally Posted by jetjockey
Originally Posted by RMiller2
Jetjockey, if not Ramsey then who do you recommend to read?
I recommend reading Ramsey to educate yourself on his beliefs, but also Suze Orman and Clark Howard. More importantly, just do the research yourself and find out what works for you. I LOVE going to dinner and date night once a month with my wife, but Suze Orman says it’s a waste of money. I refuse to pay off my house even though Ramsey says I should. The more you research yourself the more you’ll learn and understand because there is no one size fits all 100% guarantee. Google things like “how does Warren Buffet invest,” and “what kind of car lasts the longest.” Run a compounding interest calculator, ask about why you should back door a Roth. Those kinds of things. Ask yourself whats good to spend your money on (things that go up in value) and what’s bad to spend your money on (things like cars that immediately depreciate.) Knowledge is power when it comes to this stuff. The more you know, the more you’ll understand.

Your financial prowess as you compare it to what you think of some of us is outstanding.

I'm happy for you sir.

Just remember, there may come a time where your persona will meet head on with daily reality. That's when you will need to find your heart.