The cash no doubt....well maybe depends on if you ask my wife or me...grin

I do likey my 375 Wby and if you get by we'll get out and get after it a bit. A 260 Accu at 2850 or a heck of a long range yote rig!

I seen a fair number of elk taken over the years from 22/250's to 416's. For the most part you wreck the lungs and things are over quickly. But then from time to time you meet that bull that just has to be the exception and or maybe it's the cows.

I've seen enough elk killed with the 257 and the 270 to know they're pretty much the same and if pointed correctly day in and day out there'll be lil or no issues.

Let me know if you're gonna get this way, where do you live now?

Many thx and sorry for the thread diversion gang.


"True respect starts with the way you treat others, and it is earned over a lifetime of demonstrating kindness, honor and dignity"....Tony Dungy