You might try carrying it IWB w/o a holster. That's what I've done with large autos for years.
The advantages are that you can carry them butt to front, canting them back to fit the hollow over your hip, FBI style with the butt to the rear and canted forward, or, if they become troublesome, you can switch them over to the off side carry. You can even shift their position slightly w/o even taking the gun out if they are uncomfortable. Lots of good things about IWB carry w/o a holster.
If you carry them on the off side, they are a little more awkward to get to with the strong hand, but not that hard. Particularly if it's carried butt forward and canted to the rear.
I've carried full sized 1911's that way for many years. BHP's work even better and are lighter.
Yes, you need to do some exercising. But before you do that, you should have that back condition checked by your doctor and you'd probably need to work up to exercising slowly after some sort of physical therapy.
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