
Never made the connection before. wink

But actually the selection processes based on feel, sight and sound are mostly measurable, but not by the average guy (meaning guy without a lab).

Blanks with "collapse" can often be picked up by ear, even if the wood pimp planed them to hide it. The holes inside will make different sounds when struck in different places and muddy the sound. A clear ringing dense blank is harder to tell than a lightweight... But far less inclined to collapse.

Depth in a finished piece of wood could likely be measured by any number of devices looking at changes in reflected light... But "Looking into the well" tells it all without numbers.

Feel I would have to cheat a bit by by expansion to include feeling a chisel run through it; what many call "tasting" a blank. And just the oils are often enough to scream Not Steamed... or worse, steamed heavy.

The chisel can taste a fissile or brash blank better than any way I know.

Adding scent and actual taste is a good way to tell if the blank is truly what is claimed. My father used to claim claro had a warm puke taste to him... He could not explain how he knew the difference between puke temperature tastes...

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.