Originally Posted by Armen
Originally Posted by Mannlicher
Made in China, just like a lot of Lodge stuff is nowadays.

I'd find an older Griswald, or Wagner. Even the unmarked 'antique' cast iron you can find will be a better performer than anything from Cabela.

Lodge cast iron is made in China, now?

Sheeze, it seems like nothing is sacred these days.

When Case knives start being made over there, we'll know the "end is near".

No, Lodge is made in the USA, except for the enameled cast iron. Basically if it's black it's made in the USA.

There are two grades of enameled cast iron from Lodge, both made in China. Most of the department store enameled cast iron is also made in China.

Deserve's got nothing to do with it.

TripleA RV in Medford, OR SUCKS