I just "fall" on this tread, very entertaining one but i'm asking if we'll not miss trolls if you ban them all. They can provide a lot of fantastic exchanges of point of view (just look at US military sniper rifles by Lee24)even if we drift away, far away, from the original question. Without Lee24 i coul'nt have discover such a truckload of nice, almost naked ladies, some of them even hunters or fishers...May be Jburner or Oldman inspire you a bit less...sorry about that. Reading your post makes me learn a bit more on the american informal language and yourself too and like to learn, smile and laugh. Life too short for sadness!!
Want to thank you for those good times. I'm not too good a troll hunter on the web cause i'm tired to hunt them or with them in real life and come there to share and relax. If you come by frog's land send me PM, will be happy to meet you around a beer, wine or bourbon fire...
Have a good troll hunt!

Experience is a lantern, carried in our back, only lightening already walked path. (Confucius)