I have enough common sense to not want the crazies running around with machine guns. I also don't want criminals & the mentally insane purchasing guns. Unfortunately, many of them succeed just like the tragedy at Virginia Tech. If I have to take a couple of minutes to fill out a form & have the gun dealer check with the police so be it. While this doesn't stop criminals & crazies from buying guns it does help. This is an example when compromise is the lesser of the evils. Oppose every control & loose the support of non gun owners. Support from non gun owners is vital in preventing more restrictive gun laws from being passed. The NRA is very involved in gun safety. Accidents involving guns in the hands of children are way down. One of the major reasons is the Eddie Eagle program developed by the NRA & taught by instructors like myself. Even the anti gun owners applaud the Eddie Eagle program & my state of Virginia legislature even urges every school system to take part in the program. I have never read where anyone on this forum applauded the NRA for developing such a great program. Most don't even know it exist & some don't care they just want to go out & buy a machine gun.

Life Members SCI & NRA. NRA Instructor & RSO. What have YOU done to support hunting & gun rights?