After reading the thread there are a few differences I have not seen mentioned. I own both (T3 x 2, and 1 A7)and I can say with I like the A7 just a bit better. The tikka has more plastic, the A7 less, and the 85 even less.

The bolt handle on the T3 goes into a slot that helps keep the bolt together. The A7'a bolt handle is - well - bolted on. Disassembly of the Tikka bolt is a bit tickier than an A7. The A7 you just rotate the shroud with the included tool and it comes apart. Literally, nothing remains captured. The spring, pin, shroud, and cocking indicator are all loose. Very easy to reassemble as well. I kinda dig that.

The other differences are all covered well. However, as I am finding out the rings with the tikka have a tendancy to slip under repeated firings. I shoot alot and so I may notice it more than some. So even though they are included I find I will still be having to buy either rings and bases, or rings,or talley lightweights smile. Having to buy rings for the A7 - any weaver compatible - not too hard, is not really extra.

Hopefully I will be able to get out and shoot my A7 soon. I broke my leg and have some screws in my ankle right now. Doc says I should be good by hunting season for sure though !!!!

A7 gets my vote - price, features, ease of set up - BAM.


"You only know one thing for sure about a broken down old man........He's the survivor...."

Incoming rounds have the right of way.....