My brother in law shoots 175 grain Corelokts from his 7mm Rem. Mag for deer and he alway kills a pile of deer and hogs every year with no problems. Today he may be hunting over a soybean field and tomorrow he may be hunting in the thick nasty stuff and he wanted one gun to do it all. He tried 150 grain bullets and got too much expansion at closer ranges so he went with the 175 grain Corelokts. The deer I've seen him kill always had a quarter sized exit hole with very little bloodshot meat. We did find one bullet last year in a deer shot from a lasered 388 yards and it was a very nice, wide mushroom with a good portion of shank left, so I definetly wouldn't worry about expansion. It appears you are wanting to use them so I'd say try a box of them and if you don't like the results you can always change back to something else.