Gadfly ...

I realize the point you're trying to make ... which is, a product put out in the open market should be designed in such a way that the vast majority of the users of said product can use it w/out special care, so to speak.

My response to that is, that's crap.

There are TONS of things out there - vehicles for instance - that require more maintenance and/or skill to work on than your average "bubba" who need only be of age, licensed to DRIVE (not maintain) and have enough money to make the purchase. Yet, just about any "bubba" can go buy one ...

but by your logic, people should be suing the auto MFG's for not making their transmissions self-replenishing with their fluids ... or not including compressed air tanks that fill the tires automatically if/when they get low on air ... etc.

that's just ridiculous.

If "bubba" is gonna buy/use the rifle, then "bubba" is responsible for learning enough about it to maintain it properly ... end of story.