Bullet tests I have seen w/130 TSX in 6.5 look very impressive, more so than even 156/160s and the best of 140 premiums.

No doubt larger has advantages on dangerous large game by virtue of wound channel size - potentially due to frontal area being typically larger. How much difference in killing power - actually time to death, since the 6.5 will surely kill, it's a matter of if you need it to drop something quickly, how will that scenario play out.

I knew w/o a doubt a 338 and larger bore will surely show a noticeable difference on game vs. a small bore, but the 6.5 vs. 30 had me wondering, and I know properly loaded '06s have dropped many bear since many hunters have carried said combo in bear country.

Heavier by itself - I am not sure guarantees more penetration, more momentum perhaps, but frontal area and S.D. affects it also.

Thanks Denton.