Nothing seems to convince me there is or isn't a God. I think religion and church are man made not 'God' made. They say God created the universe and all in it. Where did God come from? Was he created? Did he come from a 'big bang' or did he evolve? If he was created who created him, who does God answer to?? Which came firas the chicken or the egg.

I grew up in a christian home, Grandfather was a Baptist preacher, always fascinated me that all the church people declared feeling the spirit of god, I was open to it, I got baptised, did all the things others did, I begged God to let me feel the spirit, to feel the wonderful things all the others witnessed about. I got nothing, always felt from an early age that all these people were being hoodwinked by the church, even at 6 or 8 years of age I felt that they were being duped, yet I carried on pretending with the practice to keep the family happy. They all pretended to be happy and blessed with their faith and the road to everlasting life, but I could sense and feel the fear and desperation of their lives of their constantly proclaimed faith, the fear of the unknown, the needy grasping at straws of so called salvation for relief, for a soothing paton the head and affirmation that everythings going to be ok.

I feel no different today 40 some years later. I don't concern myself about it too much though I find it an interesting subject at times. I figure if there is a God he will show himself to me, cause i'm tired of asking, otherwise he will just simply have to put up with me the way he 'created' me. I live a cleaner more honest life than most 'faithful believers'. I don't know or care much about athiests, agnostics, or 'scientific pantheists', catholics, intelligent designers, aliens, baptists, buddhists, hindus, scientoligists, muslims, etc. Life is to short.