Originally Posted by Eremicus
That's a great suggestion RD. While you are at it fellas, ask him about all the Swaros he's seen fog over the years. As opposed to the numbers of Leicas, Nikon LX's, and even the Leupold Yosemites.
If you guys want to spend that kind of money on binoculars that are that flimsy in construction as the EL's and have a track record of fogging like the Swaros do, be my guest. I'm still waiting for somebody to give me one so I can sell it.....
I've never owned a Swaro. That's because I listen to those I trust with more expereince than I do as to what to buy and why. That has worked out very well BTW. E

Don't hold your breath, no one is going to give you a set.

Good to see you get all of your information from listening to one guy and living in a vacuum - keep being ignorant, odviously (that's how you spell it) it's worked for you thus far.