I* think my second was the Tennessee Jam,..in the football stadium at the University of Tennesse at Martin.

,..Had Wet Willie, Elvin Bishop and Charlie Daniels there,.some others who escape me now due to the magic of mass quantities of THC.

4 of us headed down there in a friends 1968 Malibu SS. Nobody had any papers so we stopped in this little mom & pop store in Lovelaceville, Kentucky to buy some.

All they had was "Bugle" brand. I was the only one who could roll with them due to the fact that they had no gum adhesive,...but we managed.

I remember trying to rent a hotel room in Martin, Tennessee,...walk in,..barefoot,..hair all draped down around my shoulders,...eyes half open and bloodshot.

Wouldn't be 3 fuggin' cars in the parking lot,..and the guy behind the desk would take one look at me and say,.."We full".