Hopefully Cain will state in the debate in regards to the matter "I believe Gov. Perry has addressed this issue already, satisfactorily, and I have no issue with Gov. Perry in regards to this. Now let's get on to some substantive matters relative to this race for the President of the United States."

As of now I'm voting for Cain and have issues with Perry but I sure hope THIS does not in anyway contribute to his undoing. It would be refreshing if the debates and the selection process were comprised of meaningful issues. But yes, the press will attempt to mile this, as they already have, for all it's worth. I certainly hope Mr. Cain rises above it and sees it for what it is. I suspect he will. If he doesn't, strike on him.

NRA Lifer
"It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare." - Mark Twain
"Everybody has principles... until they are an inconvenience." - Me