US manufacturing would not be in trouble if manufacturing management would get off their asses and do their jobs. It seems most managers think their job is to just attend meetings and gossip with other so-called managers. Young, inexperienced kids are not qualified to manage anything, let alone important things like manufacturing, design, and quality control. These important jobs belong to the older, experienced craftsmen who know what they are doing, and actually care about it. Let the kids sweep the floor, clean the toilets, and sort the mail. Then IF they do a decent job at these beginner tasks, then MAYBE they deserve a try at making something. We also need to recognize the real importance of the people on the manufacturing floor. They do not deserve to be called "unskilled" by anyone. They make the products, for cryin' out loud. Don't belittle them. Train them! Equip them! Empower them to make quality products. Give them the specifications, tools, and materials to do the job right. Encourage them to tell you how to do things better. They also deserve better than the lowest pay grade in the plant. Production people where I used to work made about $10 per hour. What a pittance! How the hell can any responsible adult live a decent life on that?

The other thing that needs to happen is for government to quit spending and get out of the way. Government cannot "fix" the economy. It is impossible. Only business and businesses can "fix" the economy, and then only if they pull their head out.

I have lots of Buck knives, all American made. I would buy more if I needed them and could afford them.

Our God reigns.
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