Originally Posted by oregontripper
But Browning - Browning is a great American gun name and its a darn shame.
Browning has NEVER been a "great American gun name." They've always been the Milli Vanilli of guns. They've never manufactured anything themselves and have sourced things from wherever manufacturing capacity has existed and contracts could be obtained. Europe, Asia, North America, etc. It's never mattered.

Holding a bias over country of origin just doesn't make sense anymore. The global economy pretty well guarantees anything you buy is either going to have parts, subassemblies or materials sourced from outside the U.S. And in some cases, made in the U.S. with workers sourced from outside the U.S.

The A-Bolt series of rifles are great rifles. Period. They do everything they've been advertised as capable of doing. However, I prefer Rugers, Winchesters, USRACs, Remingtons, Sakos, Howas, and MRCs.

I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.

Originally Posted by safariman
I do tend to fit in well wherever I go in person.

Originally Posted by Fireball2
The campfire is the most outside exposure I get. No TV, no newspaper.