I would say that "80% of the animals are shot off the truck" is a bit high. I have asked the same questions of maybe 15-20 PHs and I get answers from almost none to 50%. It is all over the map. Maybe that says more about the PH than the hunter. It is easier for them to diesel stalk then get out and walk as you found out with that one PH.

By the way when I am evaluating outfits/PHs one of the first things I ask if shooting from the back of a bakkie is allowed. If they seem enthusiastic about it I know that we would not make a good fit and I move on. If the question is met with disdain then I know that at least we can agree on that and we can keep talking.

If you can find nyala in the Kalahari I would love to see it. The habitat is not suitable at all for them and winter nights in the Kalahari are as cold and if not colder than Limpopo (where they are hunted).