Great Waputi,

I agree with your assessment past 500 yards, but inside 450 or 500 yards, it isn't guessing with a decent ballistic reticle if one can visualize 1/4s (fourths). When you're dealing with 12" or less of elevation difference between marks, dividing into 1/4s has you around +/- 1 to 2 inches of elevation for distances somewhere between your reticle's marks. Spinning 1/4" graduated turrets doesn't do that much better: at 400 yards, +/- 0.5 to probably 2 inches depending on how accurate you are with your turret spinning AND how accurate and repeatable your scope's clicks are (some scopes might not even be capable of +/- 2" due to the clicks not being uniform or repeatable).

Last edited by Ramblin_Razorback; 03/28/12.