Agree. I think one of the reasons that guys don't hit as well with reticles is that about 90+ (easily) percent of them apply them as designed--not to the highest degree of accuracy that they are capable of.

In '04 Ernie Bishop and i competed in the ITRC in Gillette, WY using XP-100 handguns and still placed 50% in the standings using the simple Burris BP reticle in 3-12x EER scopes against many military, police and practical rifle teams. In that particular event I witnessed Ernie shoot one of the best strings of fire i've ever seen accomplished in the field using his reticle--3-8" discs @ 585 shot 6 times in a row (2 each), and 1 at 685 shot twice--8 shots, 8 hits.

I and my partners use both systems and for most of our practical hunting scenarios, reticles are our go-to methodology.