Originally Posted by MontanaCreekHunter
RIP Hunter1960

I didn't know the man, and as far as I can remember never had a run-in with him. One thing about internet forums is that we all have our opinions and beliefs weather fact, fiction, or to be deterimind. It is so easy to get caught up in our opinions and beliefs that we just shun someone off as someone we don't care for. In reality I would venture to say that 90% of the true outdoorsmen, hunters, and gun loonies on here would all get along and be friends in a face to face encounter. Don't be so fast to judge a person by their internet opinons.


In person people tend to pull their opinions back a bit when they realize someone does not agree. Many of my personal friends are hard right, it doesn't come into play with our friendships. In fact we make a point to keep conversations on a boat fishing to non stress topics.

The major difference between belief and fact is those who believe something have come to a conclusion no facts will contradict. Well informed people are open to new facts that oppose their beliefs. That also defines an open and closed mind.