I've long envied the Peruvian Amahuacas their "no time."

They're "in no time" when they opt to shut their brains off and just sit in a self-chosen trance for a while. That's gotta be restful!

I've always wished that I could turn my brain off � or at least put it to sleep � but the closest that I've ever come is to distract it with something captivating and totally meaningless, like Louis L'Amour westerns. Earlier, Zane Grey and Mickey Spillane offered blessed escape. Likewise "Luke Short" (Fred Glidden) and Earnest Haycox, but they didn't write enough.

So I've read all the Louis L'Amours that I've ever known about. Lost track, long ago, of the titles and what each one's about.

The brain can be a terrrible tyrant.

"Good enough" isn't.

Always take your responsibilities seriously but never yourself.