Originally Posted by setch
The whole idea is lost on me...why would anyone care about what others say about their __________________ (fill in ther blank), rifles, etc?
Because lots of people have a really weak sense of self and need to identify who they are by their stuff, and especially because they think the whole world is all about them.

�Oh, so you chose a different rifle than I did? Well, the only reason you did that was that you must think my rifle is a piece of sh*t, huh? And if you think my rifle is a piece of sh*t then that must mean that you think I�m a friggin� idiot for buying it! Yeah, I knew your whole reason for liking a different rifle was just to insult me! well then, f*** you, a**hole!

"And by the way, I'm now going to hate you forever since you deliberately insulted me like this when I never did anything to you, so I'm going to follow you around from post to post and attack you whenever I can."

"And don't get all pissy about that, either, 'cause YOU started it!!!!" mad mad mad mad

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!