The thing is that the Companies involved is not going to go to court to defend themselves, what they are going to do is settle with Mitch's lawyers and Mitch for some fig less than with it will cost in both terms of money and time in court. Mitch's lawyer knows this, its legal extortion pure and simple. The question will be how much for it go away, my guess 25 to 35 k will do it. And they will pay it. Its not right but this is how it works. Those knifes will go up a couple of dollars per unit to cover the losses. This is how the Tort game works. Now there is something that could be done, they could ban him from ever racing in the Iditarod ever again. sort of like what happened to that gun writer that sued Winchester. Nobody will print his stuff anymore. All that has to be done to force it is the all the others refuse to race if he is allowed to.

"Any idiot can face a crisis,it's the day-to-day living that wears you out."

Anton Chekhov