Originally Posted by R_H_Clark
I didn't know untill now how light this rifle is.At 5.5 lbs I am going to have to take a closer look at it for my daughters first deer rifle.This is half the price of the Kimber we were considering and just as light.

How low can you mount a small objective scope? The pictures so far seem to have higher than necessary mounts.Is bolt clearence an issue?

We were looking into the Kimber in 223.Recoil in my 7 lb rifle with 100 grain 243 factory loads,was a bit too much for my daughter.What would recoil be like in one of these 77/357's ? She is 4'4" tall and 65lbs.

About as low as you want. I used the Ruger supplied rings to mount a Millett SP1 which was used to print the target previously posted. Note that target was fired offhand. It's a good system capable of fine accuracy beyond 100 yards. Bolt clearance is a non-issue with that particular sight.

My take on the rifle is that it's an effective tool. I use it when the weather sucks. The difference between the Ruger and a lever gun is not function or handling, it's just a personal choice. With the red dot it snap shoots as well as any of my leverguns, all of which have either a scope or aperture sights. Neck shot a buck some years back with the Win 94 in mid jump at about 15 yards...Williams aperture sight at play. I can do the same with the Ruger any day of the week.

Last edited by DigitalDan; 06/28/12.

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain