Originally Posted by BW
I was with you Mark, till you mentioned you contacted the guys Commanding Officer.

I gotta tell ya, I hate that chickenshit response from civilians when they threaten, or actually do, go to a military members command. Did ya tell him your a taxpayer and write his paycheck every month too?

What would you have done if Chuck worked at Mc Donalds? Would you have called the top clown? What if he was self-employed? How would you handle a simple 'civilian to civilian' encounter?

I tell you what you should have done, is contact the Troopers if you felt the need to protect Alaska from illegal hunting.

Leave a mans employer out of the deal. It really irks me when people do that...

As a 20 year vet I can tell you Mark's action here is totally approppriate. Militery personnel are and should be held to a higher standard than someone who flips burgers. Especially if that person is a commissioned officer. He would expect integrity from his troops and we should expect the same from him. If this is the way the Major acts he does not deserve the rank he possesses.