I want to see an intense "reality" show on a few folks from a bigger city. With the same sorts of scripted modifications to their "reality".

Me being closer to the outdoorsy themed reality shows (in actual reality). I'd watch a show that dramatizes a subway commute or a stop at a coffee shop.... Taxi ride, bus ride, carpool.... Lunch breaks, shopping for "crucial supplies" in "a world where money is traded for goods."

Maybe include a bus ride to a democratic convention, perhaps they could showcase the anguish that goes along with trying to vote without any ID? And the grand challenges to acquire said ID so that they can cast their vote?

Showcase the local culture and traditions of baby mamas and the numerous non supporting daddies to the 14 babies? Show how the mama�s of 14 babies from 14 daddies artfully work the system for the entitlements they have �earned�?

Just think of the adventures that are being overlooked by discovery channel.

These are survival methods. Hey, parasites gotta survive too right?

Something clever here.